You're facing technical problems when trying to join our Virtual Symposium?
We use the webinar platform "GoToWebinar" for our Virtual Symposium. To join the event as a participant it might be necessary to install "GoToWebinar" on our device. In most cases our participants don't have issues as the installation does normally not require special admin rights.
However, we know of rare cases where the installation of "GoToWebinar" may be prohibited by the respective corporate IT department. For such cases we recommend to join the event through a browser.
To do so please follow these instructions:
- Go back to the confirmation email of the Virtual Symposium.
- Copy the participation link: If you have the confirmation email open, right-click on the "Join Webinar" button, then select "Copy Hyperlink".
- Open Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge and paste the participation link into the address line. Add ?clientType=html5 at the end of the URL, then press Enter. Example: https://global.gotowebinar.com/join/123456789/123456789?clientType=html5.
You will then be taken to a "Camera preview" screen where you can choose your audio method. Although you can unmute your audio and enable your camera in the "Camera preview" screen, you will not be able to unmute or share your camera during the webinar as an attendee.
That should be it. Enjoy the symposium!